Run For Reido.

The Run for Reido brings people together to create conversations around mental well-being and to raise awareness for suicide prevention while moving their body and getting the benefits of exercise and human connection - whether it be a walk or run each person sets their own pace.

The event has been held annually since 2021 to help pave the way for a brighter tomorrow in the minds of those struggling with their mental health.

Friends and family of the trust and our supporters come together in solidarity to raise funds and awareness of the suicide issue, and while there, are able to share their own experiences and challenges in a safe and welcoming environment.

Anyone is welcome and any donations we are hugely grateful for. It is $50 to participate (which includes a t-shirt and a ticket for spot prizes) with all funds raised going to the Reid O’Leary Charitable Trust.

The event is also generously supported by many local businesses as shown in our sponsors section and below.

Run for Reido 2024 Sponsors